Missing payments image
Please select the type of payment that you wish to make. You can add multiple payments if required by repeating this process prior to submitting them for processing.

If you wish to view the balance of your account, please register for our online services.

Payments can only be made by Mastercard or Visa Credit Cards and a mimimum payment of $5.00 is applicable.

Please note a 0.5 percent surcharge will apply to all credit card transactions.

Infringements issued by Council can be paid online at the State Debt Recovery Office website. Select Payment Options to view your options for payment or Payment to make a payment via credit card or Bpay.

 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
RatesFor ALL Rates Payments click Pay Here
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
DebtorsPlease have your Debtor number and Invoice number ready. These can be found on your Tax Invoice or Statement/Tax Invoice.
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
ApplicationPlease have your application payment reference ready. This can be found on most correspondence from Council in relation to your application.
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
Licence, Permit or GIPAPlease have your request or licence/permit payment reference ready. This can be found on most correspondence from Council in relation to your request or licence/permit.
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
Crossing Contractor / Maps / Trolley Impoundment / Other PaymentsPlease have your payment reference ready. This can be found on the correspondence from Council in relation to your authorisation.